Please fill out this form if you wish to be involved in Murder Inc. plots at DR:CO. This includes if you have already gained your M.I. Society Membership before March 2022, so that we can get a read on who is participating and has membership in which sect of M.I.
Note that you MUST have ONE sect membership (ex. Society Membership: Murder Inc.: The Silenced Knell) and you CAN additionally have ONE family membership (ex. Society Membership: Nyx Family) at a time.
Families currently available for membership are detailed HERE.
If you do not have your sect, or family membership, staff will work to get it on your sheet and provide you with the RP of joining the sect/family IG.
We encourage players to work together to create local families! To create a local family, you must have at least 4 prospective members before submitting your family, and staff will get back to you in order to work with you and make it a reality.
The skill Criminal Influence is a prerequisite for Murder Inc. membership.