September Event Tickets On Sale!

Raiders have surrounded Barker Meadow and a line in the dirt has been drawn…and crossed, and drawn again. What will it take to stop Octavia Von Lobo from dealing the same fate upon the settlement that Paradiso suffered?

Tickets for our SEPTEMBER 2022 LIVE EVENT (September 30th - October 2nd) are now on sale!
Join us at the beautiful and well-furnished YMCA Camp Santa Maria in Grant, Colorado (just west of Bailey, an hour from Denver and two hours from Colorado Springs).

Note that because this is our September event, even though it goes into October on Saturday, item cards that expire at the end of September 2022 will be usable/good throughout the weekend.

Reminder that for our remaining 2022 events, we will do opening announcements at 7 PM instead of 9 PM and call Lay On shortly after! See all the details here.

And on Sunday, the Public Works will close at noon, but we will keep playing until 1 PM!

Buy your tickets and meal service here
Check in to the database here (if you have an account)
Site details here