September Horror and Fixation

This coming game, we will have some OPT-IN mechanics to participate in. These mechanics may deal with themes of loss of autonomy, paranoia, betrayal, loss of trust, loss of life, faith, cannibalism, despair, and loneliness in possibly intense ways and may lead you towards -- but will not require -- CvC conflict. These mechanics will include being targeted by specific threats, and in specific ways, including especially dangerous mechanics, that align with the nature of the content that has been opted into.

If you wish to opt in, you will need to record your name and receive a purple wrist band from Public Works at check-in so that you can be easily identified during play as having opted in.

This is also a mechanic you can opt out of aspects of at any time, and if you wish to opt out completely, simply go to the Public Works and tell them you're opting out for the rest of the game, returning your wristband. If you wish to work with story to conclude your participation when opting out or have any questions before or during game, there will be information at Ops and the primary contact for this plot is Emily B.

Lost in your mind